
Soda? Illegal?

In New York it soon will be if Mayor Bloomberg has his way.

New York is trying to pass a law to make it illegal to sell anything larger than a 16 oz soda.

Here's my problem.

I don't think the government should be able to tell you what you can and cannot buy.


I know childhood obesity is a problem, but banning soda and trans fat is not going to fix the problem.  Our problem is lack of responsibility and too many people wanting to make it McDonalds's fault that they're fat.  Or trans fat's fault that they're fat.  Or soda's fault that they're fat.  Or lack of P.E. classes that they're fat.  Whatever.

I think parents need to have their kids eat their meals at home.  Around the dinner table.  Sitting down.  With no T.V.  Just conversation and food. 

Studies have shown that people who eat dinner together are healthier, have a healthier weight, have more successful relationships, get into trouble less, and do better in school. 

And its the parents' job to make sure that happens. 

Not the government's. 

So many problems would be fixed if responsibility was placed where it needed to be, rather than being shifted on and the buck passed.  If we focus on teaching our children at home, how to eat healthy, to turn off the T.V., the computer, or the video game, and go outside and play, the obesity epidemic would be fixed.  I guarantee it.  And we could still drink a 20 oz soda at the movie theater if you wanted to.

The scary thing about these laws is that they SOUND really good, if you just take it at face value.  But think about it?  I always ask myself..who's paying for it?  And, is it the government's job to regulate that?  What right am I giving up when that law gets passed?

Because next thing you know, the government will be telling you that you must purchase healthcare. 

Oh wait...

*this post represents my political opinions.  I realize that not everyone will agree with me.  That's fine.  I don't expect you to.  I am just asking to be able to express my thoughts on MY own blog.  If you don't like it, sorry.  Write your own.


Anonymous said...

What about the government telling us we can't buy alcohol unless we are 21? Just kidding friend. I totally agree with you. It is really time for people to take responsibility for their own actions instead of just blaming everyone else. Doesn't the government have better things to do and regulate. Time for parents to step up to the plate, take care of themselves, and teach their kids good habits. Now I am going to return to my couch and drink a root beer. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last post was from Kendra. I don't want you to think some weirdo is stalking your blog.

Ashly and Josh said...

I'm sorry, but Ken, that was funny!! You crack me up!

Laura said...
