

It seems in the blogging world, there are two types of bloggers:  those who make out that their life is perfect and only post pictures of happy smiling children and perfect model homes, and those who spill out their guts to the world.  Horrific, gut-wrenching, really sad stories. 

Both are loved and hated.

I get why people want the "perfect" bloggers to feel more real.  To show that they have problems.  Days when the kitchen doesn't gleam, and when one toy has fallen on the floor.  Kids that talk back, tell them that they hate them.  Show us that they sometimes use the TV as a babysitting mechanism, or all the debt they've accumulated to have their designer home and designer wardrobe (wow, this is reading really cynical.  Probably because I am).

But I also think the people who just bare all, should also share some of the joy too. 

For the most part, I am happy.  My life is good.  And that's what I write about, because those are the times I want to remember.  Have you ever noticed, that things that seemed so horrible at the time they were happening, tend to soften over time?  (i.e. childbirth?  Exercise?  High school?)  We remember mostly the good.

Sure the hard times remain, but I can explain in much more vivid detail, the best days of my life over the worst days of my life. 

**I'm not really sure where this post is going.  Hopefully it makes sense, haha.

 I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not trying to project or make out that my life is perfect.  It's far from it, but maybe not.  I have a good life.  I have a husband who loves me (despite all my flaws), healthy children who take naps (halle frickin lujah), a body that can move and do the things that I need it to, an income, a roof over my head, and knowing exactly where I came from, where I'm going, and what I want to be. 

I know this quote is nothing unheard of, but I think this is was Elder Wirthlin meant by "Come what may, and love it."  Life can and is good, despite what we have or don't have, and we should embrace what we have at the moment

**I am really preaching to the choir at this moment.  So many times I fall into the trap of I'll be happy when:
  • my kids can get themselves breakfast
  • go to school
  • we own a home
  • I can buy a new couch, one with four legs, instead of using a tuna can to hold up one end
  • I can buy whatever cute outfit I want
  • When I don't have to worry about money (haha, like that will ever happen)
  • ....
I am happy.  Not perfect.  But happy.

1 comment:

Chelsey said...

I have thought this same thing. But for me I want my blog to just be for me and I use it as a journal, not to brag about what's going on or complain about what is not going right. I leave it public so that if my family members in Canada or other people want to read it and see what I am doing, they can and think whatever they want. It's for me not them.