
Why Do I Have to Share a Room?

I've been on the hunt for new bedding for a couple of months now.  When I saw this, on (where else?) Pinterest, I thought I had found the perfect one

(this is when I thought Aaron's only stipulation would be price)

I showed it to him, telling him that it had been made out of sheets, yada yada, and a comforter from Ikea and so it was super cheap. 

He wrinkles his nose and goes, "It's kind of girly."

This is from the guy who tells me that I can do whatever I want with the house because he trusts me.

So off on the hunt again I go.  Apparently, he doesn't want it to be cheap.  He wants it to last, so he never has to buy another one again (okay, so I guess that's cheap, but not in the cheap way I first imagined) and it can't be girly (tell me, how do you find cute bedding that isn't plain and boring but not girly)

This is the one I'm currently eying (and its gotten Aaron's approval)

But heck no am I paying Pottery Barn's asking price.  I'm bidding for it on eBay.  (love eBay) 

Oh, and just another random note.

Aaron says lots of funny things.  This is his most recent one:

"What's a Kim Kardashian?"

Bless him.

1 comment:

- Kevin and Hillary - said...

My husband is just the same! He doesn't care too much about price (at least not nearly as much as I do), but all about how things are too "girly." Let me tell you, creating a nursey for a boy AND a girl is becoming quite the challenge! Somehow, both yellow and light green are too girly.... apparently only blue is manly enough for him. Yeesh. I'm glad Aaron has two boys already and probably gets to see blue to his heart's content!