

Last Friday I was at volleyball and Cade seemed really lethargic.  He had a fever and just wanted to sleep but I chalked that up to the fact that his canines are coming in and since he seemed to be fine after his nap I didn't worry about it. 

Saturday he started getting some weird looking bumps all over his body.  I had just changed laundry detergent and wondered if he was having a reaction to that.  Sunday the bumps were looking even worse and so I asked my Uncle (who's a podiatrist, but hey, he had to go to med school) what he thought it was.

His verdict?


Me, "No way.  He was vaccinated.  A year ago.  He hasn't been itchy or anything." (that's what I remember most about the chickenpox, was the itching.  The constant itching.  That and scratching scabs off my head once the pox started healing.  Is that tmi?)

Monday Jackson starts acting really whiny and feverish.  Crap.  It is the chickenpox, because no way does an allergic reaction spread.  Poor Jackson too.  He's due for his chickenpox immunization when he turns one, which happens to be in three weeks.

Tuesday, up pop little spots all over Jack Jack.  Poor baby.  He's been so miserable, wanting to be held all the time, but at the same time wanting to walk everywhere.  He still has places to go and people to see and things to eat.

On the bright side?  One less shot that Jackson needs.

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