
Back to School

Because we're poor, married, and have a baby, Aaron has more money that he needs from his Pell Grant to cover tuition and books.  It's weird, but I really miss going to class, or having something to study and learn.

So, I'm going to be taking an online class from BYU's Independent Study

My only problem is, there's so many to choose from.  And I get to choose.

I don't have to take a class because it's required for my major. 


This one is just for fun.


As a sidenote, I was reading my friend Anna's blog and came across these, and they were so cute that I had to share. 

Another sidenote, I love my family.  They are everything I want and more.  I'm glad that I get to be their mom and wife. 

That is all.


Kendra and Karl said...

those are super cute pictures. So what are your choices for classes? Have you been able to narrow it down at all?

Sara said...

those pictures are AWWWWESOME. how about I sign up for a class to take and you do it for me? i am going to die this semester. I am dreading school.

Ashly and Josh said...

Well I wish I were so lucky....not even the small pell grant they gave me was enough to cover nursing school let alone books etc.! So, loans it is. Maybe it's the baby that makes the difference? Oh, and those pictures were so creative!