
Anything Your Kid Can Do...

...mine HAS to do.

Reading blogs is bad for me.  I hear about a kid Cade or Jackson's age performing some new trick and my whole perception of myself as a mother goes down the toilet.   Then I spend hours practicing with them just so they can be like "so & so's" kid.

If you could all just stop raising genius babies that would be wonderful.  

P.S.  I thought to myself this morning, "I'm getting the hang of this mothering stuff."  Never again.  I'm surprised I still have two children sleeping in their beds.


Annie Leavitt said...

your kids are adorable and PERFECT! i loved watching cade and phoebe play together and jackson and rodney are perfect. (i do compare jackson and rodney a lot. like, dude rodney, get that other tooth in!) hahaha

don't read blogs that are fake, because there is no living up to those suckers.

Desi said...

I know how you feel I was like that with Paisley because all of the babies her age were crawling/standing months before she was, I just finally stopped worrying because I know she is fine. your kiddos are so cute and i am sure you do a GREAT job!