I really need to start feeding Jackson solid food.
But I do not want to.
Not because I don't want him to grow up, but because it takes FOREVER! And Cade is not the child that I can leave happily playing by himself while I feed baby. I actually gave up breastfeeding because chasing my 1 and a half year old around with a baby attached to my boob was not great.
Poor kid.
Maybe he can start on his birthday.
Meet George
A couple of nights ago, Aaron and I got into a little "tiff", and so to get back at him, I invited another man into my bed.
Meet George
I had put my feet down into the bottom of my bed and felt something sharp. I pulled back the covers and saw him, just gripping onto the sheets for dear life.
I screamed, and did what any cheating lover would do, ran into the bathroom and closed the door and yelled "Get him out GET HIM OUT!"
The strange thing is, I've always had a weird fear of snakes and fish being down at the bottom of my bed next to my feet. George has only intensified this fear and now Aaron and I check for lizards every night before we get into bed.
Meet George
I had put my feet down into the bottom of my bed and felt something sharp. I pulled back the covers and saw him, just gripping onto the sheets for dear life.
I screamed, and did what any cheating lover would do, ran into the bathroom and closed the door and yelled "Get him out GET HIM OUT!"
The strange thing is, I've always had a weird fear of snakes and fish being down at the bottom of my bed next to my feet. George has only intensified this fear and now Aaron and I check for lizards every night before we get into bed.
I just wanted to let people know that I am trying to reduce my facebook time. So if it takes me a while to respond, it is because I haven't logged on in a while.
During conference, I heard this talk, where he said, "We most devote our time to things that matter most" and that was my ding ding ding moment. That was where the Spirit hit me on the head and said,
"Rachelle, how often do you get annoyed at your kids because they want you and you are on facebook?"
So, I have not deleted my account because we live away from Aaron's family and I like to see pictures of them and their goings ons. But I am trying to limit my time.
Sidenote: I finally got Aaron to watch Design Star with me on HGTV (all 6 seasons can be watched online here and he likes it. Maybe even more than me.
During conference, I heard this talk, where he said, "We most devote our time to things that matter most" and that was my ding ding ding moment. That was where the Spirit hit me on the head and said,
"Rachelle, how often do you get annoyed at your kids because they want you and you are on facebook?"
So, I have not deleted my account because we live away from Aaron's family and I like to see pictures of them and their goings ons. But I am trying to limit my time.
Sidenote: I finally got Aaron to watch Design Star with me on HGTV (all 6 seasons can be watched online here and he likes it. Maybe even more than me.
Phineas and Ferb
(the title of this post has nothing to do with the actual blog, I'm just eating Phineas and Ferb fruitsnacks)
So, you all remember how I said I was praying for faith and understanding, and how life was hard last post. Well, skip forward a month and life is going better. I felt such an outpouring of love via this blog, and facebook, and emails, and I appreciate all of you.
Exactly one week after he was fired, Aaron was offered a job at Moapa Valley Telephone Company, in my lovely little sweet hometown of Overton, NV.
We're currently in the Overton 2nd Ward, which is the ward my grandparents go to and the one that my parents and I went to when we first moved to Overton. This translates to lots of people knowing who I am, and me knowing that I should know these people, but not.
This means that poor little Jackson has moved 3 times in his short life of 4 months. Can you say army brat?
So, you all remember how I said I was praying for faith and understanding, and how life was hard last post. Well, skip forward a month and life is going better. I felt such an outpouring of love via this blog, and facebook, and emails, and I appreciate all of you.
Exactly one week after he was fired, Aaron was offered a job at Moapa Valley Telephone Company, in my lovely little sweet hometown of Overton, NV.
We're currently in the Overton 2nd Ward, which is the ward my grandparents go to and the one that my parents and I went to when we first moved to Overton. This translates to lots of people knowing who I am, and me knowing that I should know these people, but not.
This means that poor little Jackson has moved 3 times in his short life of 4 months. Can you say army brat?
Praying for faith and understanding
(this is kind of a brag post, and also an info post)
At the end of August, Aaron was offered a job with a consulting firm in Scottsdale, AZ. We prayed and felt good about it, and took the job. 2 weeks later we ended up in Mesa.
Things were going well. We liked our condo, loved the pool, and the babies had adjusted well.
But...(there's always that but)
Aaron didn't realize what collecting competitive intelligence (i.e. being a market analyst) entailed. They wanted him to make up a story and pretend to be someone that he wasn't on the phone to get information. The company he was working for was not hired by another company because they were suspected of illegal activity (I'm not naming his company because I don't want to be vindictive). His boss wanted him to create a fake I.D. online with a fake LinkedIn profile and say that he had worked for companies that he never had before. Aaron just didn't feel comfortable.
So he told his boss he couldn't/wouldn't do that. And they let him go. Yesterday. On my birthday.
Aaron waited all day to tell me until the end because he didn't want to ruin my birthday.
Gosh its been hard.
Its hard to still have faith that you made the right decision when everything seems to be going so wrong, but I'm trying. I say all the time that God intends for our trials to be hard and that he understands when we find them hard, but now I actually have to believe what I preach. Today is a hard day. Hopefully tomorrow I have a bit more faith. That's what I'm praying for.
To top off all this wonderfulness, Aaron's grandmother had a stroke on Monday (we found out yesterday) and Cade got into Aaron's allergy medicine today and we had to call poison control. He seems to be okay, so thank goodness for that tender mercy.
At times like this, I'm grateful for my testimony and for the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm so thankful that we just had conference, and I can remember this talk.
"God our Father is not a feeling or an idea or a force. He is a holy person who, as the scriptures teach, has a face and hands and a glorious immortal body. He is real, He knows each of us individually, and He loves us, every one. He wants to bless us."
Our landlady's (Phyllis) 29-year-old daughter had a stroke last week. Phyllis is inactive. Monday I asked her if she wanted Aaron to give her a blessing and she said yes. She's coming over tonight.
I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving us this blessing along with the trial. I think about Phyllis, and about how much our Heavenly Father loves her too, that he would move an entire family to Arizona just so that we can share the gospel with her. I don't know if we'll convert her, but I intend to plant a seed.
At the end of August, Aaron was offered a job with a consulting firm in Scottsdale, AZ. We prayed and felt good about it, and took the job. 2 weeks later we ended up in Mesa.
Things were going well. We liked our condo, loved the pool, and the babies had adjusted well.
But...(there's always that but)
Aaron didn't realize what collecting competitive intelligence (i.e. being a market analyst) entailed. They wanted him to make up a story and pretend to be someone that he wasn't on the phone to get information. The company he was working for was not hired by another company because they were suspected of illegal activity (I'm not naming his company because I don't want to be vindictive). His boss wanted him to create a fake I.D. online with a fake LinkedIn profile and say that he had worked for companies that he never had before. Aaron just didn't feel comfortable.
So he told his boss he couldn't/wouldn't do that. And they let him go. Yesterday. On my birthday.
Aaron waited all day to tell me until the end because he didn't want to ruin my birthday.
Gosh its been hard.
{I told Aaron yesterday that I was so proud of him for standing up for his values/morals/integrity, but at the same time, a part of me wished he hadn't. But my mom reminded me that I should be so grateful for a husband who values honesty so much that he would risk losing his job. I will never have to worry about being able to trust him} (this is the bragging portion of the post. Aaron is awesome)
Its hard to still have faith that you made the right decision when everything seems to be going so wrong, but I'm trying. I say all the time that God intends for our trials to be hard and that he understands when we find them hard, but now I actually have to believe what I preach. Today is a hard day. Hopefully tomorrow I have a bit more faith. That's what I'm praying for.
To top off all this wonderfulness, Aaron's grandmother had a stroke on Monday (we found out yesterday) and Cade got into Aaron's allergy medicine today and we had to call poison control. He seems to be okay, so thank goodness for that tender mercy.
At times like this, I'm grateful for my testimony and for the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm so thankful that we just had conference, and I can remember this talk.
"God our Father is not a feeling or an idea or a force. He is a holy person who, as the scriptures teach, has a face and hands and a glorious immortal body. He is real, He knows each of us individually, and He loves us, every one. He wants to bless us."
Our landlady's (Phyllis) 29-year-old daughter had a stroke last week. Phyllis is inactive. Monday I asked her if she wanted Aaron to give her a blessing and she said yes. She's coming over tonight.
I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving us this blessing along with the trial. I think about Phyllis, and about how much our Heavenly Father loves her too, that he would move an entire family to Arizona just so that we can share the gospel with her. I don't know if we'll convert her, but I intend to plant a seed.
Jackson Bradley
Well, Aaron is with Cade outside and Jackson is asleep. I figured I have time to write down his birth story and I'd like to before I forget everything.
I went to bed on Monday night (June 6th) feeling some contractions (nothing new) and wondering if tomorrow would actually FINALLY be the day that the baby came. I woke up around 12:30 am with more contractions, and feeling them in my lower back. I started timing them, and they were really irregular.
darn it.
I figured since I was awake, there was no harm in being prepared in case they did start becoming regular. I got up, packed my bag, showered, and got everything ready in case we did need to go to the hospital. My contractions would come every 3 minutes, and then every 7, then every 20, then every 10, then we'd go to 5 minutes, and then 8...like I said, really irregular, and I did not want to go to the hospital and get sent home. I would have felt like an absolute retard since this is my second and I STILL can't tell what real labor is.
Aaron leaves for work at 6:00 am, and when his alarm rang at 5:30, I told him that I'd been having contractions all night but they weren't regular and that he might as well go to work. He left, and I went to sleep.
I had a doctor's appointment that morning at 8:45 in Bountiful, so Cade and I loaded up and off we went. I was still have a few contractions, but they would come ever half an hour or 15 minutes, so I chalked them up to Braxton Hicks.
At the doctor's, I told the nurse I'd been having contractions all night but they'd been really irregular, but that my hope was the doctor would come in, check me, and say, "Holy COW! You're at a 5! Go to the hospital."
She laughed.
The doctor came in, and told me that if I hadn't had the baby by Saturday, they would induce me, because he was leaving town the next week. Then he asked me if I'd been having contractions and I told him the same thing I'd told the nurse, that I had, but they'd been really irregular.
When he started the pelvic exam, he said, that I was really thinned out and wouldn't make it until Saturday (HURRAY!). Then the nurse told him that I wanted him to tell me I was 5 cm dilated and to go to the hospital. He kind of smiled, and I told him he was free to lie to me all he wanted. Then he went to check to see how far I was dilated, and went, "Wow, you called it. You're at least 5 1/2 to 6 cm dilated. We're having a baby today."
Me: (in my head) Really? Man, with Cade I barely made it to 3 cm dilated before I wanted the epidural. Now you're telling me I've been in labor this whole time and I haven't even known it?
I called Aaron and told him to meet me at the hospital, and then drove Cade home. My mother-in-law drove us to the hospital (Cade and I) and we met Aaron at the entrance. I like when your doctor has already called the hospital to tell them you're on your way. The paperwork was all ready and they all believed me when I told them I was in labor.
My labor and delivery nurse was 8 months pregnant (what a horrible job to be pregnant in. To watch all these other women give birth and know that you still have to wait), and when she went to check me, she told me that I was at least 7 cm dilated. She asked me if I was going to get an epidural, because if I was, I needed to get it soon, because there were several C-sections scheduled for that day and the anesthesiologist wouldn't be available after about half an hour.
I'm thinking, I'm already at a 7, and I haven't had a hard time at all. Wouldn't that be cool if I could do it natural?
Then the nurse said, "I really think you could do it without."
So I did.
Aaron had his iPad (a gift from mom and dad for graduating) and we watched "Lost" on Netflix the entire time I was in labor (I recommend it. Keeps your mind off the pain). The only bad thing was, right when I dilated to 10 cm, Sawyer had a needle punched through his sternum. This made dear hubby slightly queasy, okay...really queasy, and he had to lay down on the couch the entire time I was pushing and didn't get to help or see Jackson born.
Pushing was hard. I felt just like how it was in the movies, sweat popping up, the yelling thing. But the worst part? I almost had his head out and the nurse told me to stop pushing so that I wouldn't tear. Oh the agony. I was SOoo close and then I had to wait. But I did it, and I'm so glad I did, because recovering from stitches sucks worse than giving birth.
Jackson was 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 inches long. I got to hold him right after he was born, unlike Cade who was rushed off to NICU, which was really nice. And then I got wheeled off to my room by my 8 month pregnant nurse...how awful about that did I feel?
So, after having had one child with an epidural, and one natural, I really can't decide what I'll do with my third. I'll probably go into labor, and go as long as I can without pain meds (that was my original plan for both Cade & Jackson). If I end up needing an epidural, I'll get it. If I don't, great, I won't.
I went to bed on Monday night (June 6th) feeling some contractions (nothing new) and wondering if tomorrow would actually FINALLY be the day that the baby came. I woke up around 12:30 am with more contractions, and feeling them in my lower back. I started timing them, and they were really irregular.
darn it.
I figured since I was awake, there was no harm in being prepared in case they did start becoming regular. I got up, packed my bag, showered, and got everything ready in case we did need to go to the hospital. My contractions would come every 3 minutes, and then every 7, then every 20, then every 10, then we'd go to 5 minutes, and then 8...like I said, really irregular, and I did not want to go to the hospital and get sent home. I would have felt like an absolute retard since this is my second and I STILL can't tell what real labor is.
Aaron leaves for work at 6:00 am, and when his alarm rang at 5:30, I told him that I'd been having contractions all night but they weren't regular and that he might as well go to work. He left, and I went to sleep.
I had a doctor's appointment that morning at 8:45 in Bountiful, so Cade and I loaded up and off we went. I was still have a few contractions, but they would come ever half an hour or 15 minutes, so I chalked them up to Braxton Hicks.
At the doctor's, I told the nurse I'd been having contractions all night but they'd been really irregular, but that my hope was the doctor would come in, check me, and say, "Holy COW! You're at a 5! Go to the hospital."
She laughed.
The doctor came in, and told me that if I hadn't had the baby by Saturday, they would induce me, because he was leaving town the next week. Then he asked me if I'd been having contractions and I told him the same thing I'd told the nurse, that I had, but they'd been really irregular.
When he started the pelvic exam, he said, that I was really thinned out and wouldn't make it until Saturday (HURRAY!). Then the nurse told him that I wanted him to tell me I was 5 cm dilated and to go to the hospital. He kind of smiled, and I told him he was free to lie to me all he wanted. Then he went to check to see how far I was dilated, and went, "Wow, you called it. You're at least 5 1/2 to 6 cm dilated. We're having a baby today."
Me: (in my head) Really? Man, with Cade I barely made it to 3 cm dilated before I wanted the epidural. Now you're telling me I've been in labor this whole time and I haven't even known it?
I called Aaron and told him to meet me at the hospital, and then drove Cade home. My mother-in-law drove us to the hospital (Cade and I) and we met Aaron at the entrance. I like when your doctor has already called the hospital to tell them you're on your way. The paperwork was all ready and they all believed me when I told them I was in labor.
My labor and delivery nurse was 8 months pregnant (what a horrible job to be pregnant in. To watch all these other women give birth and know that you still have to wait), and when she went to check me, she told me that I was at least 7 cm dilated. She asked me if I was going to get an epidural, because if I was, I needed to get it soon, because there were several C-sections scheduled for that day and the anesthesiologist wouldn't be available after about half an hour.
I'm thinking, I'm already at a 7, and I haven't had a hard time at all. Wouldn't that be cool if I could do it natural?
Then the nurse said, "I really think you could do it without."
So I did.
Aaron had his iPad (a gift from mom and dad for graduating) and we watched "Lost" on Netflix the entire time I was in labor (I recommend it. Keeps your mind off the pain). The only bad thing was, right when I dilated to 10 cm, Sawyer had a needle punched through his sternum. This made dear hubby slightly queasy, okay...really queasy, and he had to lay down on the couch the entire time I was pushing and didn't get to help or see Jackson born.
Pushing was hard. I felt just like how it was in the movies, sweat popping up, the yelling thing. But the worst part? I almost had his head out and the nurse told me to stop pushing so that I wouldn't tear. Oh the agony. I was SOoo close and then I had to wait. But I did it, and I'm so glad I did, because recovering from stitches sucks worse than giving birth.
Jackson was 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 inches long. I got to hold him right after he was born, unlike Cade who was rushed off to NICU, which was really nice. And then I got wheeled off to my room by my 8 month pregnant nurse...how awful about that did I feel?
So, after having had one child with an epidural, and one natural, I really can't decide what I'll do with my third. I'll probably go into labor, and go as long as I can without pain meds (that was my original plan for both Cade & Jackson). If I end up needing an epidural, I'll get it. If I don't, great, I won't.
Mother's Day Gift
I just have to brag.
I have the best husband...EVER.
My Mother's Day gift was a homemade coffee table & matching end table, built by Aaron (and Cade), and a baby-free weekend with money to spend on myself. I still haven't used the baby free weekend coupon yet, I told him I want to when there's two babies to watch.
I have the best husband...EVER.
My Mother's Day gift was a homemade coffee table & matching end table, built by Aaron (and Cade), and a baby-free weekend with money to spend on myself. I still haven't used the baby free weekend coupon yet, I told him I want to when there's two babies to watch.
This is with the flash |
Here is the coffee table in all its glory. I love it. He painted the bottom Heirloom White and stained the top Dark Walnut.
Without |
And a lovely bird's eye view. Yes, I know I have fabulous photography skills |
My end table. Don't you love my little green lamp? I do. |
A tie onesie I made for the new baby. I love argyle. |
That's How You Do It
Yesterday we went over to my in-laws home for baby back ribs in honor of Memorial Day. My nephew Noah was "bowling" with some plastic pins and a ball.
Aaron put the bowling ball under Noah's shirt and told Noah to tell his daddy that he was going to have a baby.
Noah did.
Then he got his baby out by hitting it with a bowling pin.
Hmm, maybe I should give it a go.
Aaron put the bowling ball under Noah's shirt and told Noah to tell his daddy that he was going to have a baby.
Noah did.
Then he got his baby out by hitting it with a bowling pin.
Hmm, maybe I should give it a go.
Moving, Graduation, and Buying
That about sums up my feelings of the last month and a half. After I vented my frustration about looking for apartments, I found one that we felt good about, was $650 a month (not including gas, electric, or internet, funny how the internet has become such a necessity) and was not in the "ghetto" area of Provo (ahem, the southern and eastern side).
We had petitioned with Wymount to change our move-out date from April 30th, to April 18th, and we were planning on moving into our new place April 16th.
Along comes April 13th. I'm planning Cade's birthday party and asking if Aaron's family would like to meet us in Salt Lake for cake and ice cream on Sunday (his birthday). I get an email from my mother-in-law, Corinne, asking us if we would be interested into moving into the basement of the elderly lady that Glade (father-in-law) hometeaches. Now, here's the clincher. Free rent.
Yes, free rent. With cable TV, wireless internet, a home theater, a pool table, our own private entrance, a water softener (no more gray whites, HOLLA!), a washer/dryer, two bedrooms, a HUGE bathroom (with a heat lamp), a fenced in backyard, and oh yes...FREE RENT--in exchange for doing small household chores and visiting with her. Yup. We've lived in the basement for one week now, and she's asked us to change one lightbulb, carry a few things down the stairs, and mow the lawn. Cade and I go up to talk for about half an hour every day, and that's it. It's been awesome. We're right across the street from Aaron's parents (yes, free babysitting) and we live in a neighborhood, with sidewalks and everything.
It was slightly stressful trying to get out of our one year contract, and having to move everything into storage because her old tenants were still living there, but now that we're settled and moved in, I'd take the stress anyday.
Aaron is still working in Provo, commuting an hour each way (I know, yuck), but he works from 7-3, so he leaves before I get up and he's home at 4, way better than it was when he was in school. He's got an interview with Fidelity Investments to be a Financial Representative on Wednesday (fingers crossed) and they have a branch in Salt Lake, so hopefully, he'll be able to go someplace closer soon.
Aaron also graduated, but both of us were lame (and to the great disappointment of Corinne) chose not to walk. Me, because I had my baby the day after my last final and it just wasn't a priority, and Aaron because he didn't want to spend $40 on a cap & gown. We had our own little celebration, and I've just loved having him home, and when he's home, actually being able to be home, and not have to do homework. I know school is worth it, but it was such a sacrifice.
We're now in the process of buying a larger vehicle. Patsy (our 2005 Ford Focus hatchback) is just not cutting it anymore. With my big belly its really hard to get Cade in and out of his carseat in the backseat, with no door (it's a 3-door, apparently the trunk counts as a door). I think we've found one, a nice-suh-weet mini van (don't worry, I drove one all through high school, my cool factor can't be damaged anymore than it already is), and hopefully we can get it today.
Fingers crossed.
Anyway, that's that. Thanks for sticking with me and hopefully reading until the end.
For that, you also get to find out that we got family pictures taken during General Conference. Here are a few of my favorites.
That about sums up my feelings of the last month and a half. After I vented my frustration about looking for apartments, I found one that we felt good about, was $650 a month (not including gas, electric, or internet, funny how the internet has become such a necessity) and was not in the "ghetto" area of Provo (ahem, the southern and eastern side).
We had petitioned with Wymount to change our move-out date from April 30th, to April 18th, and we were planning on moving into our new place April 16th.
Along comes April 13th. I'm planning Cade's birthday party and asking if Aaron's family would like to meet us in Salt Lake for cake and ice cream on Sunday (his birthday). I get an email from my mother-in-law, Corinne, asking us if we would be interested into moving into the basement of the elderly lady that Glade (father-in-law) hometeaches. Now, here's the clincher. Free rent.
Yes, free rent. With cable TV, wireless internet, a home theater, a pool table, our own private entrance, a water softener (no more gray whites, HOLLA!), a washer/dryer, two bedrooms, a HUGE bathroom (with a heat lamp), a fenced in backyard, and oh yes...FREE RENT--in exchange for doing small household chores and visiting with her. Yup. We've lived in the basement for one week now, and she's asked us to change one lightbulb, carry a few things down the stairs, and mow the lawn. Cade and I go up to talk for about half an hour every day, and that's it. It's been awesome. We're right across the street from Aaron's parents (yes, free babysitting) and we live in a neighborhood, with sidewalks and everything.
It was slightly stressful trying to get out of our one year contract, and having to move everything into storage because her old tenants were still living there, but now that we're settled and moved in, I'd take the stress anyday.
Aaron is still working in Provo, commuting an hour each way (I know, yuck), but he works from 7-3, so he leaves before I get up and he's home at 4, way better than it was when he was in school. He's got an interview with Fidelity Investments to be a Financial Representative on Wednesday (fingers crossed) and they have a branch in Salt Lake, so hopefully, he'll be able to go someplace closer soon.
Aaron also graduated, but both of us were lame (and to the great disappointment of Corinne) chose not to walk. Me, because I had my baby the day after my last final and it just wasn't a priority, and Aaron because he didn't want to spend $40 on a cap & gown. We had our own little celebration, and I've just loved having him home, and when he's home, actually being able to be home, and not have to do homework. I know school is worth it, but it was such a sacrifice.
We're now in the process of buying a larger vehicle. Patsy (our 2005 Ford Focus hatchback) is just not cutting it anymore. With my big belly its really hard to get Cade in and out of his carseat in the backseat, with no door (it's a 3-door, apparently the trunk counts as a door). I think we've found one, a nice-suh-weet mini van (don't worry, I drove one all through high school, my cool factor can't be damaged anymore than it already is), and hopefully we can get it today.
Fingers crossed.
Anyway, that's that. Thanks for sticking with me and hopefully reading until the end.
For that, you also get to find out that we got family pictures taken during General Conference. Here are a few of my favorites.
Future Plans
Let me just say, I love doing ChaCha. It's been so nice to have an extra $200 a month to spend on crafty stuff and things like new vacuums, and it gives me something to do while Cade's sleeping and Aaron's gone. And I also get to learn that it's illegal to have an armadillo as a pet in Massachusetts (who knew). If you're interested in doing it too, go here, I honestly think its great for stay-at-home moms. You feel like you can contribute something, but if your baby needs you, well then, get off the computer and take care of him.
This does have a point. I got paid on Tuesday, so...
Cade and baby boy #2 (who's name will either be Jackson, Ethan, or Logan, we haven't decided) need a dresser. I found a solid oak, 9 drawer dresser on craigslist for $99 and now I need to paint it. So I'm off to Lowes tomorrow to buy lots of navy blue spray paint (neighbors, if the grass outside looks suspiciously darker, don't worry, it will grow out). I'm also going to get stuff to do this for their room.
And I will learn to quilt.
This does have a point. I got paid on Tuesday, so...
Cade and baby boy #2 (who's name will either be Jackson, Ethan, or Logan, we haven't decided) need a dresser. I found a solid oak, 9 drawer dresser on craigslist for $99 and now I need to paint it. So I'm off to Lowes tomorrow to buy lots of navy blue spray paint (neighbors, if the grass outside looks suspiciously darker, don't worry, it will grow out). I'm also going to get stuff to do this for their room.
![]() |
To view the tutorial, click on the picture |
Apartment Hunting
Our time in Wymount is coming to an end. Honestly, I have mixed feelings. Mainly because finding a new place to live is such a pain. I don't want to move pack, deal with weird neighbors, and other people's nastiness that they've left behind.
I told Aaron I wish he was home more so that he could help look. He told me:
"If I looked, we'd be in the cheapest apartment."
Point made.
I'm picky. I want a washer/dryer (at least the hookups), I don't want to be living with a bunch of college kids (because we won't be anymore), I don't want to live in the ghetto (ahem, south of campus), I want a yard, or at least a small patch of grass nearby, I want shelves that fit nicely into their compartments, I want a kitchen with counter space, a bathroom that I don't feel like I need to spray Lysol in every time, and I want to be able to walk around barefoot without feeling disgusted, all for around $650.
Unfortunately, that's been hard to find.
But, never fear, with craigslist, and ksl I will find a place. Maybe even a place where I can paint the walls...
I told Aaron I wish he was home more so that he could help look. He told me:
"If I looked, we'd be in the cheapest apartment."
Point made.
I'm picky. I want a washer/dryer (at least the hookups), I don't want to be living with a bunch of college kids (because we won't be anymore), I don't want to live in the ghetto (ahem, south of campus), I want a yard, or at least a small patch of grass nearby, I want shelves that fit nicely into their compartments, I want a kitchen with counter space, a bathroom that I don't feel like I need to spray Lysol in every time, and I want to be able to walk around barefoot without feeling disgusted, all for around $650.
Unfortunately, that's been hard to find.
But, never fear, with craigslist, and ksl I will find a place. Maybe even a place where I can paint the walls...
Tyler's Homecoming
Aaron's little brother Tyler came home from the Johannesburg South Africia mission last Wednesday. We drove up to the airport to meet him, which was a great sacrifice for Cade since the plane didn't get in until 8:20 pm and his bedtime is 6:30 (there are cons to this, the biggest one being his wake up time is 6:00-6:30 am).
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I love this one. |
Lupercalia Dilemma
I am NOT a fan of Valentine's Day.
I think the only time I ever liked it was when you made valentine holders in elementary school, and everyone had to give a valentine to everyone, and you could always tell who the rich kids were because they had candy with their valentine, and so you liked theirs' the best.
I like it slightly better now that I'm married and not single, but still...imagine trying to be romantic in a tub (or bathroom) barely big enough for your 9-month-old (don't even get me started about the lack of counter space).
I don't know about the rest of you, but it is so hard to buy something for Aaron, and I feel bad making him just get me presents. Plus, I like to give gifts.
But he's the type of guy who follows the "wear it out or do without" philosophy, which is fine and dandy (except when it comes to things like garments and socks, like the fact that he still has garments THAT HE WEARS from before his mission. He left in '04, you do the math).
So I decided that rather than try and find something in the store that he'll appreciate and use (which is a big requirement for me in gift-purchasing), I'm going to be cheesy and make him up one of those little coupon books. Poor little guy. His coupon for a back massage is going to be for a 5 minute back massage because that's about all my fingers can handle.
[FYI-Lupercalia was observed in ancient Rome from Feb. 13-15, and was a fertility festival. Apparently the pope didn't think that fit very well with the Christian religion, so he, um...picked something more P.C.]
I think the only time I ever liked it was when you made valentine holders in elementary school, and everyone had to give a valentine to everyone, and you could always tell who the rich kids were because they had candy with their valentine, and so you liked theirs' the best.
I like it slightly better now that I'm married and not single, but still...imagine trying to be romantic in a tub (or bathroom) barely big enough for your 9-month-old (don't even get me started about the lack of counter space).
I don't know about the rest of you, but it is so hard to buy something for Aaron, and I feel bad making him just get me presents. Plus, I like to give gifts.
But he's the type of guy who follows the "wear it out or do without" philosophy, which is fine and dandy (except when it comes to things like garments and socks, like the fact that he still has garments THAT HE WEARS from before his mission. He left in '04, you do the math).
So I decided that rather than try and find something in the store that he'll appreciate and use (which is a big requirement for me in gift-purchasing), I'm going to be cheesy and make him up one of those little coupon books. Poor little guy. His coupon for a back massage is going to be for a 5 minute back massage because that's about all my fingers can handle.
[FYI-Lupercalia was observed in ancient Rome from Feb. 13-15, and was a fertility festival. Apparently the pope didn't think that fit very well with the Christian religion, so he, um...picked something more P.C.]
Y Not
We had our ultrasound appointment today. Baby wouldn't show us his face, so no cute little profile pictures. Everything is healthy and there, which is what I pray for when I go to an ultrasound (and that baby will not be shy).
According to the doctor, we will be increasing the ratio of Y chromosomes in our family.
And he moved my due date back...Boo.
But I guess I'd rather have it moved back now than when I'm 38 weeks. So instead of June 11 we're looking at June 21. 10 days. I'm sure I'll be wishing for those back when I am 38 weeks.
According to the doctor, we will be increasing the ratio of Y chromosomes in our family.
And he moved my due date back...Boo.
But I guess I'd rather have it moved back now than when I'm 38 weeks. So instead of June 11 we're looking at June 21. 10 days. I'm sure I'll be wishing for those back when I am 38 weeks.
Husbands should come with instructions
I asked Aaron to pick me up some butter.
Disclaimer: We're cheap, or living on a cheap budget, however you'd like to phrase it. When we can, I will buy real butter, but for now, I buy cheap margarine. But I call it butter. I've always bought it, and he's seen it in the fridge.
He comes back with butter. The kind that costs $3.00 for 2 cups, or 4 little sticks.
Me: I wanted you to get the Blue Bonnet kind (showing him the kind in our fridge) the kind we always get.
Him: Well you should have said you wanted 53% vegetable oil spread
Disclaimer: We're cheap, or living on a cheap budget, however you'd like to phrase it. When we can, I will buy real butter, but for now, I buy cheap margarine. But I call it butter. I've always bought it, and he's seen it in the fridge.
He comes back with butter. The kind that costs $3.00 for 2 cups, or 4 little sticks.
Me: I wanted you to get the Blue Bonnet kind (showing him the kind in our fridge) the kind we always get.
Him: Well you should have said you wanted 53% vegetable oil spread
This is what I hear, ALL THE TIME. From the minute he wakes up til when he goes to bed.
While following me around the house...
While following me around the house...
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