
Husbands should come with instructions

I asked Aaron to pick me up some butter.

Disclaimer:  We're cheap, or living on a cheap budget, however you'd like to phrase it.  When we can, I will buy real butter, but for now, I buy cheap margarine.  But I call it butter.  I've always bought it, and he's seen it in the fridge.

 He comes back with butter.  The kind that costs $3.00 for 2 cups, or 4 little sticks.

Me: I wanted you to get the Blue Bonnet kind (showing him the kind in our fridge) the kind we always get.

Him: Well you should have said you wanted 53% vegetable oil spread


Sara said...

touche aaron, touche.

Michaela said...

I'm with him on this one. Apples and oranges. How dare you? Hehe.

Whitney said...

The picture says 65% vegetable oil spread ... I'm not sure 53% would have gotten you what you wanted either ;-)

Unknown said...

Should your title read "wives should come with instructions"? Hilarious!! Love you guys.