
Puzzles and PopTarts

I have an addiction...

No joke

Aaron and I have finished 2, 1,000 piece puzzles in 4 days. Pathetic you say? Probably (And today we'll also be learning about the letter P)

I was sick on Tuesday and the only thing that would keep my mind off my stomach, was my puzzle that my friend Kendra got me for my birthday. When Aaron came home, he gave in to my pleadings (there we go again) to help me and watch Beauty and the Beast. He's a trooper. Even though he did make fun of the part at the end where the Beast turns back into a human (supposedly his name is Prince Adam, I prefer Beast) I still like him.


Our hometeachers came over last night and saw our puzzles in all their glory. One of them was finished and lying on the floor and the other one was about 3/4 of the way. After they saw that, all hopes of them thinking we were cool were gone.

We got this one at DI for $1.50, and no pieces were missing.

Now to my other problem...PopTarts

We buy them so that when Aaron is running late for school he can just grab one and go. Mr. I'm 25, 6'1", and weigh 145 wet and with clothes on needs all the help he can get (I'm so jealous).

At least that's why I say we buy them.

We really buy them for me. I hear them calling to me from the cupboard. They are so so so bad for you but so so so good. Especially blueberry and s'more. Yum.


Allyson said...

I love doing puzzles! I could spend hours sitting there working on one except that now when I try I have too many distractions.

Jennifer Q. Rawlings said...

Don't worry I have a problem with poptarts too... I'm not allowed to eat them anymore...

Lizz said...

My favorites are cherry and strawberry. I haven't tried the S'more one yet, but I'll have to now.

Lauren said...

Mmmm I love the brown sugar and cinnomon ones. My mouth is watering...

Ashley, Kristo and Noah said...

I'm glad someone shares my addiction to pop-tarts. My favorite are the Smith's brand strawberry. They are SOOOOO much better than regular pop-tarts. That and a glass of ice cold milk, yum.