
Color Run in Salt Lake City

In April, my sister-in-law, published on facebook that she had just signed up for her first 5K.  Being curious, I clicked on her link, and noticed it was a color run.

So I signed up.

It was in August, the end of August.  I started out really well with the training, telling myself that it was going to be harder to run 3.2 miles in Salt Lake than here because of the elevation differences.

Training was great in April and May...

**yes, the dot dots mean that it definitely petered, getting worse and worse until August got here.  And then I saw that the race wasn't even timed, which again made my motivation fly out the window. 

August 24th came and I was a little nervous, but I ended up running the whole thing.  My hip flexors were not happy about it all day, but the adrenaline definitely got me through it. 

I have discovered that I enjoy racing, but I do not enjoy non-competitive races.  Most people walked this one, and having to jog around people was not my favorite thing.  I will do the race again, because it was fun, and my kids loved smearing themselves with the remnants of the color, but I'll also look into getting into some races that are timed. 

Just not right now. 


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