

One of the classes I'm required to take for my major is called Orthopedic Impairments and Therapeutic Exercise. Don't worry, it sounds more complicated than it is.

The bad thing about the class is that I learn about all the different skeletal deformities that occur and how most of them occur in the womb.

Oh yes...everything that can go wrong with my baby goes wrong in my head. And it doesn't help that I'm constantly given new things that can go wrong every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

There's a lab aspect to the class. Today, we studied posture. Basically, everyone got a turn to see if there was something wrong with their posture. We're all divided into groups. Each group is required to pick one person in their group with faulty posture and design an exercise program for them to follow for 3-6 weeks and then re-evaluate them to see if the exercise program was a success.

It was my turn.

Someone asked, "Does pregnancy cause any posture problems?"

(chirping crickets)

My group decided that my exercise program to improve my posture would be labor. In 3-6 weeks, we'll meet again to evaluate my success.

I think I'll get an A.

A picture of me at 34 weeks. Please ignore the stupid face, the sweats, and the mirror picture. Aaron's at work, and it was the best I could do.


Ashley said...

Rachelle, you look so amazing! congrats!!!

Laura said...

WOW! I can't believe you're so close!

Scarlet said...

Rachelle you look great for 34 weeks! I feel like I was way bigger than that. But i'm my worst critic! haha you're getting closer!