
What the Heck

Okay...I confess, this post is just to get rid of that annoying one with the font. But I can't just write that, so I'll leave you with a little ABC quiz.

A - Age: 21
B - Bed size: Queen
C - Chore you hate: taking out the trash--especially the bathroom stuff, when floss falls out and used Q-tips (gross)
D - Dog: I once asked for a dog...my parents got me a porcelin figurine. If I could get one, it would be a Yorkshire terrier
E - Essential start your day item: cream of wheat or oatmeal
F - Favorite color(s): green & brown
G - Gold or Silver: white gold? Is this cheating?
H - Height: 5'9"
I - Instruments you play: piano, violin, trumpet
J- Job: Petition's Office front desk person
K - Kids: not yet
L - Living arrangements: we rent a lovely 2 bedroom apartment
M - Mom's name: Joyce
N - Nicknames: Shell, Shelli, RJ, Rush, Shelli Ellie, Shelli Belly, Roach...
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: nope
P - Pet Peeve: sneezing more than once
Q - Quote from a movie: "Sea monkey stole my wallet" [Finding Nemo]
R - Right or left handed: Left
S - Siblings: 4 sisters and 1 brother
T - Time you wake up: 7am to 8am
U - Underwear: G's
V - Vegetable you dislike: asparagus and any kind of beans (except jelly beans, and even then, only jelly bellys)
W - Workout style: running, walking, swimming, crunches
X - X-rays you've had: lungs and teeth
Y - Yesterday's best moment: going running and only seeing a couple people. I HATE when people see me workout. I feel like a sweaty dork and I always think that they're expecting me to be faster and more in shape than I am.
Z - Zoo favorite: baby penguins


Casey said...

"Underwear: G's" could leave the wrong impression! Cute haircut by the way :)

Kendra and Karl said...

Ok. I have never heard half of those nicknames used. Ever. I think you made some up. :)