
I failed?

Last night, I was checking to see if my grades had posted from last Winter semester. This last semester was the last semester that I had to worry about keeping my grades up for my scholarship and so I took some generals to try and boost my GPA and make the semester a little easier.

My stomach dropped when the page loaded and I saw an E next to my general chemistry class (FYI, in BYU language, an E means you failed, it's an F).


I had attended every single day (okay, maybe ditched a couple), taken all the tests, done all the homework, and had a pretty decent grade. There was no way that I could have failed.

But the computer said I had.

I was freaking out. Failing would mean that I would lose my scholarship and that Aaron and I would have to pay another $5,000 in tuition for next year and it would mean that I had failed and would have to take the class again. I e-mailed my professor and stalked gmail all night trying to see if he would e-mail me back. That morning I was e-mailing my TA, my professor (again), and the scholarships office.


The next time I had logged on, my grade had been changed from an E to a B+. Oh my goodness. Instant relief. The pit in my stomach was gone and everything was good again. The only thing I can think of is that because I changed my name in the middle of the semester, my professor had me listed under my maiden name, but the university and all of my assignments were turned in under my married name. I'm just glad it's all sorted out.



Quirky moi

When I was little...

1. I used to think that cartoons were real people.
2. I used to put banana peels on my head because that's what Mowgoli did on the Jungle Book.
3. I thought I was becoming a Lamanite when I started tanning, and cried.
4. I used to drink A1 sauce straight from the bottle.
5. I would tell my parents that the trees would babysit me, and that I didn't need anyone to watch me.

1. Everytime I wash the dishes I want to eat jello
2. I love clean out Aaron's ears. It's makes me excited when I see stuff in them (gross, I know, but true)
3. I would rather clean 1,000 toilets (mens toilets) than take out the trash
4. I love to watch the History & Discovery channels
5. Fish scare me...a lot. Sometimes I have nightmares that there are fish in my bed, and I wake Aaron up because I'm trying to climb on top of him to get away from them.

Paper coming out my ears and I think I would bleed graphite

Oh man, we're winding down to the end of the semester, which in college talk means let's cram as much as we can into two weeks because "OH MY GOODNESS WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO EVERYTHING YET!"
