
Sick Sick Sick

I do not feel well today.


I haven't felt well since Monday, took it easy that day, and woke up on Tuesday feeling okay.  I did all my normal stuff and my body now hates me today.

**Cade is sleeping in his "big boy" bed.  I woke up at 1:30 am to the sound of little feet, the words "Pee pee" and "Uh oh."  You can fill in the rest (but in case you can't, he had peed all over the floor) 

**I am one of those people who has the annoying habit of not being able to shut off my brain.  I was up for 2 more hours after cleaning that up.  Not what your body needs when you're trying to get better.

I woke up today, Aaron looked at me and said, "You feel like crap don't you?"

Then, without me having to even ask, he called in at work and told them that he wouldn't be coming today.  He's had the boys ever since.

Bless him.

That one little gesture let me know that he puts me in front of work.  That's a big deposit in my book. 

Relationships are like that.  Just like a checking account.  There are deposits and withdrawals.  As long as the deposits are greater than the withdrawals, the relationship stays in the black. 

**the tricky part is figuring out what are deposits for that person and what are withdrawals.  I'm not a very touchy person, but give Aaron a good back scratch, and he loves you for days. 

**giveaway ends tonight.  If you haven't entered, do it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better!! I love your analogy of deposits and withdrawals. We are praying for no snow next week. See you soon!