
It's Finished!

Jackson with pink-eye.  Poor baby
Two weeks ago I went to a couple of yard sales with my grandma and aunt.

Remember my dresser that I mentioned here?   Well, I found something so much better.

This guy was selling this little beauty along with the hutch.  The hutch was missing all the shelves and I really didn't want it.  He wanted $20 for both pieces.  I asked him if I could just take the bottom half and he told me I could have just the bottom half for $20 (what a guy).

I got him to give both pieces to me for $15 and then asked him to just take my newly bought hutch out to the dumpster, since I didn't want it.  He said he would (but I'm pretty sure I saw him sell it to someone else).

Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I lose sleep thinking about what color I should paint furniture.  It seems so permanent (even though I know it's not).  I finally decided on an off-white, creamish color to match some chairs that I reupholstered from DI. 

I'm slightly proud.

The lamp is another yard sale find.  I repainted it and covered the lamp shade with fabric.  I found the mason jar at another yard sale, and the cake plate is from a thrift shop (yes, it is milk glass)
Mommy's "helper"


Mommy Post

(this is purely for my own "documenting purposes", so that I can look back and remember)

I have 23 more days until I have a two year old.  Wow. 

At nearly two Cade:

  • tries to identify the color blue...sometimes, he'll get it right and I think "YES!" and then he points to something red, yellow, orange, green, or purple and yells "BYOOO!" and I think, "dang it, a fluke."  
  • loves fruit snacks, applesauce, and chocolate
  • always asks to watch a "wee-wee" (movie) on daddy's iPad
  • sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap in the afternoon
  • loves balls.  Loves to catch them, to throw them
  • can build a sweet tower with blocks, likes to color (mainly draw circles), and work on puzzles
  • says, Mommy, Daddy, blue (byoo), Jackson (Ja-Ja), Jesus (Gee-Gee), hi, bye-bye, police car (wee-wee), movie (again, wee-wee), truck (beep-beep), cheese (deeze), please (pyease), balloon (bayoon), bubbles (bu-bu), bottle (ba-ba), no, Noah, Phoebe (bee-bee), baby, Danielle (da-wa), booger (boober), dark (dah), star (dar), hand (ha), dirty (di-dee) stinky (dee-dee)
  • loves basketball (he calls it ba-ball)
  • helps Mommy wash the dishes and make the bed and always takes the garbage down to the street every Thursday
At nearly 10 months Jackson
  • says uh-oh.  Anytime he drops something you hear uh-uh.  Also says dadadada and babababa
  • kills balloons.  Expertly.
  • crawls and wants to stand up so bad, but can't quite yet
  • loves baths, carrots, yogurt, pizza crusts, and pretzels
  • sleeps 12 hours and takes at least 2, 1 1/2 hour naps during the day
  • claps and waves
  • has 6 teeth
  • EATS everything.  Still.
  • wears 18 month clothes, and has a few 24 month stuff
  • gets comments all the time about his pretty blue eyes
  • flirts, and he's good.


Just Call Me Sunshine Rainbow Dewdrop

I am turning into one of those...weirdies.

You see, I had my first "raw" food today.  It was a raw cheesecake. 

And it was good.

Now here's the thing. 

I am addicted to food.  I LIVE to eat, not the other way around.  I don't know who those people are who can eat two bites of cheesecake (my Auntie Mo just smells it) and push back their plates and say, "I'm done."

That is not me.

I will eat the whole slice you give me.  Even if it's not that great.  Just because it's there.  And then afterwards, I'm wondering if I can somehow manage to sneak another piece without someone noticing that I've gotten seconds.

But it wasn't like that with this one. 

I ate my teeny-tiny slice

maybe about 1/12th of the pie, which is the actual technical serving size of any cheesecake...we just like to kid ourselves and think that one serving size is 1/4th.  Oh gee, one serving of cheesecake is only 320 calories!

And I was done.  I didn't want more.  I thought, "Wow, that was good and I'm done."

Maybe these crazies know something about eating real food. 

here's the recipe

Not my actual cheesecake...


Wimpy Wimp Wimp Wimp

I am such a wuss.

I send people messages or emails asking them something, and then can never read them.

Because I'm too afraid. 

I make Aaron read them out loud to me. 

But he's sick.

And asleep.

And I'm curious.


Anything Your Kid Can Do...

...mine HAS to do.

Reading blogs is bad for me.  I hear about a kid Cade or Jackson's age performing some new trick and my whole perception of myself as a mother goes down the toilet.   Then I spend hours practicing with them just so they can be like "so & so's" kid.

If you could all just stop raising genius babies that would be wonderful.  

P.S.  I thought to myself this morning, "I'm getting the hang of this mothering stuff."  Never again.  I'm surprised I still have two children sleeping in their beds.