
Moving, Graduation, and Buying


That about sums up my feelings of the last month and a half.  After I vented my frustration about looking for apartments, I found one that we felt good about, was $650 a month (not including gas, electric, or internet, funny how the internet has become such a necessity) and was not in the "ghetto" area of Provo (ahem, the southern and eastern side). 

We had petitioned with Wymount to change our move-out date from April 30th, to April 18th, and we were planning on moving into our new place April 16th. 

Along comes April 13th.  I'm planning Cade's birthday party and asking if Aaron's family would like to meet us in Salt Lake for cake and ice cream on Sunday (his birthday).  I get an email from my mother-in-law, Corinne, asking us if we would be interested into moving into the basement of the elderly lady that Glade (father-in-law) hometeaches.  Now, here's the clincher.  Free rent. 

Yes, free rent.  With cable TV, wireless internet, a home theater, a pool table, our own private entrance, a water softener (no more gray whites, HOLLA!), a washer/dryer, two bedrooms, a HUGE bathroom (with a heat lamp), a fenced in backyard, and oh yes...FREE RENT--in exchange for doing small household chores and visiting with her.  Yup.  We've lived in the basement for one week now, and she's asked us to change one lightbulb, carry a few things down the stairs, and mow the lawn.  Cade and I go up to talk for about half an hour every day, and that's it.  It's been awesome.  We're right across the street from Aaron's parents (yes, free babysitting) and we live in a neighborhood, with sidewalks and everything.

It was slightly stressful trying to get out of our one year contract, and having to move everything into storage because her old tenants were still living there, but now that we're settled and moved in, I'd take the stress anyday.

Aaron is still working in Provo, commuting an hour each way (I know, yuck), but he works from 7-3, so he leaves before I get up and he's home at 4, way better than it was when he was in school.  He's got an interview with Fidelity Investments to be a Financial Representative on Wednesday (fingers crossed) and they have a branch in Salt Lake, so hopefully, he'll be able to go someplace closer soon.

Aaron also graduated, but both of us were lame (and to the great disappointment of Corinne) chose not to walk.  Me, because I had my baby the day after my last final and it just wasn't a priority, and Aaron because he didn't want to spend $40 on a cap & gown.  We had our own little celebration, and I've just loved having him home, and when he's home, actually being able to be home, and not have to do homework.  I know school is worth it, but it was such a sacrifice. 

We're now in the process of buying a larger vehicle.  Patsy (our 2005 Ford Focus hatchback) is just not cutting it anymore.  With my big belly its really hard to get Cade in and out of his carseat in the backseat, with no door (it's a 3-door, apparently the trunk counts as a door).  I think we've found one, a nice-suh-weet mini van (don't worry, I drove one all through high school, my cool factor can't be damaged anymore than it already is), and hopefully we can get it today. 

Fingers crossed.

Anyway, that's that.  Thanks for sticking with me and hopefully reading until the end. 

For that, you also get to find out that we got family pictures taken during General Conference.  Here are a few of my favorites.